Jun 12, 2006


I don't know who she is but I am sitting in a new coffee shop enjoying her blend. I think that the term blend is interesting. How often do we "blend" things and never even stop to think about what we are blending. We blend cultures in the U.S. every day. We blend ice cream with whatever we want to create a smoothie (so good). We blend coffee beans to get "Linda's Blend". We can have things however we want them and if we can't figure out what we want then we start blending the basics together.

Is this what we do in our faith? Do we have a whole bunch of choices and if we don't like any of them or they don't "fit us" then we start to blend them. Is it ok? We have blended worship styles, blended services, blended communion (literally some places just put them both together). We like to call much of this POMO or Post-Modern. I am doing a lot of thinking and studying on what the Post Modern Era is and how it is affecting our faith. I am interested to hear any thoughts that you might have...

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