May 24, 2006

Becoming Cultured

I am outside at a gorgeous café in Cincinnati. The sun is shining and the vines are providing shade in the outdoor gazebo. I enjoy the breeze on my face and The Fray playing softly in the background. The cup of French Roast Costa Rican coffee is still good even its current state of coldness.
I have been thinking about being “cultured” and how we relate to the unknown. We all encounter things that are new to us. When this happens how do we respond? What allows us to be able to take the unknown and make it known? Some may say that the very fact that you have encountered it makes it known. This is partially true but what happens before that. What takes place in the split second that something goes from unknown to known? I am realizing that the summation of all things known helps us to categorize the unknown. When you take a sip of a new drink or a bite of an unknown food you quickly use terms, textures, and thoughts from other things you’ve had to help put words and thoughts to the new substance. This is why being “cultured” is so important. The more things that we have encountered the easier it is to correctly interpret things that are new. How do we become “cultured” other than to encounter new things? This is why it is so important to have someone to follow. If we are not following anyone or anything then we will see everything new in an inaccurate way, at least in the beginning. Why did Jesus come to the earth? We now have someone to follow who has infinite understanding, infinite wisdom, and can see things perfectly. God has given us His Word and therefore we are able to be “cultured” by it. We do not have to fear going into new situations or places because our God has already been there and is everywhere with us. We are not really walking into new situations if we have the Holy Spirit with us. We are walking by faith. We are walking with God. We are already prepared for everything that we could ever encounter provided we trust in Him and not ourselves. We are running a race that is set for us. We are fighting a battle that is already won. Who is cultured? We are cultured. We do not have to fear where we are going because God is there.
I see immaturity coming out all of the time as people try to take their experiences and apply them as the ultimatum for what other people are encountering. Just because I had to deal with a grandfather who committed suicide does not mean that I know what everyone in the same position is going through or how they need to deal with their situation. I am not saying that we can’t ever help each other but I am saying that we can best help each other when we let God do the work. We can offer wisdom as we gain wisdom from God. We can help console people as God consoles us. We can teach people as God teaches us. Everything that is good comes from God. I am thankful for Him and desire to become more “cultured” by every moment spent with Him.
Let me know how God has “cultured” you lately.

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